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The Hazzn's Tish

Or: A Cantorial Student's Dispatches from his Outpost in Manhattan

Sunday, August 22, 2004

Just a little different

I haven't really been hit by culture shock, but there are some things I can't help but notice:

  • Palestine used to have a terrible rat problem, which the British addressed by importing cats. Now Israel has a cat problem. We two, being newcomers, think that they're cute, especially the kittens. The natives aren't so fond of them. I guess it's a matter of perspective; pigeons aren't really a problem in New York, but people seem to have an automatic disdain for them. In any case, it's important to remember that the cats here are wild animals and that one should not attempt to pet them.
  • Toppings at the local Domino's analog include green olives, black olives, egg, sweet potato and shallots, and one can order wine with a pizza delivery.
  • Speaking of which, I've never seen so much kosher wine in one place as I do in any wine shop here. Every variety for which I could hope, along with some unusual quirks like 375 ml bottles of emerald Riesling, sold in four-packs. (Said Riesling comes complete with a very cheesy mini-booklet about romantic evenings for two. I can easily hear a friend of mine reciting it to the accompaniment of a popular film soundtrack. Needless to say, we bought one.)


Blogger Maya Resnikoff said...

In contrast, I have an Israeli friend, well, dance teacher, who, when he first came to the US of A, went on a tour of the country, and in Central Park he and several other excited Israelis took a whole bunch of pictures of the squirrels, not realizing that they were to be found Everywhere.

Monday, August 23, 2004 12:45:00 AM  
Blogger fleurdelis28 said...

Hey, ubiquitous doesn't mean unphotogenic.

Wednesday, August 25, 2004 12:58:00 AM  

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